How will you find the air duct leaks?

Air duct cleaning is necessary otherwise, it can cause humidity, moisture level, or uneven filters to encourage mold growth. For a comfortable home environment, an Air duct is necessary to maintain. However, ASNU Air Conditioning Warehouse provides the best air condition cleaning accessories at reasonable prices. The ductwork leakage unit is 20% less efficient; it decreases the energy efficiency to poor air quality, which is a major source of energy loss. It is the best way is to avoid sealing and insulating ducts and save money on your AC bills.

Signs of air duct leakage

Here are some of the following signs that mostly indicate that you might have leakage in an air duct.

·         Having high energy bills

If you have noticed the sudden rise in your electricity bills, this might be a serious concern about any leakage in the duct. However, sometimes when the leakage is ignored, a duct can develop holes and gaps, leading to air loss. If the air conditioner is forced to work for a longer period, it can lead to a rise in energy bills.

·    Home becomes duster than usual

Somewhat of a dusty home is okay, but if you noticed some of the dust specs on your skin. This can give the surety of leakage in air conditioning duct. These air duct leaks allow the dust particles to move to the ductwork that can circulate in the whole home.

·    Your AC unit needs to maintain the temperature

Most duck leakage allows the spread of the heated or cooled air to slip out. However, if the air does not reach its location, your unit needs to achieve the settings. Either you need to check your ducts for any possible gaps or holes. Just to make sure, do it by performing the guide on the perfect thermostat settings.

How to inspect leakages in air ducts?

If you are sure about the duct leakage, call a professional for a duct leakage test. Here are some ways that how you can inspect the leak in the air duct:

·    Ductwork Visual Inspection

For the inspection of the duct, move to the basement or where your duct is located with a flashlight and look for the gaps and holes. Try to check the damage from the surroundings of the insulation, like damp spots or mold. If the area around the duct is wet, then there is a blockage and requires cleaning. Sometimes, leakage is due to rusting. Mark the leak areas, and seal them with duct tape for AC best available in Brisbane.

·    Check Duck Joints

The easiest place to find the duct leak is directly moved to the duct joint. Most of the time, strains are on these joints. Check it by placing the hand near the joints, if the air is escaping from it, then there is a leakage.

·    Use the Smoke test to find leaks

To find the leaks in the air, try to use a smoke test. It should involve a tool that releases smoke to find tears in your ductwork. Use an intense stick or a smoke pencil for the test and move it slowly over the entire ductwork. If you find the smoke being blown off, there is a leakage in that area.

·    Look for Old Duct Tape

For inspection in your ductwork, if you find any old duct tape, the chance of leakage is more. You can try a temporary fix by replacing it with a new duct tape to solve the leakage issue.

·         Duck Leakage Test

Professionals use this test to find the leaks. However, this method involves the specialized equipment and tools to check the air leaks through holes for running a pressurized test in the duct. The test measures both conditioned and unconditioned parts of your home to check the amount of leakage.

How can you seal ductwork leaks?

When you find air leaks in the duct, then it is difficult to optimizing the home temperature. You should combine duct sealing with air conditioner duct insulation for the best results.

It's good to use the mastic tape on the leaking areas, which helps by using a chip brush for the application of a thick layer to each duct.


Without wasting time, you should find and seal the leakage in your home to make it energy-efficient and comfortable. After finding the air duct leaks, use a smoke test, visually inspect the large tears, air conditioner duct insulated flex, or a professional leakage test. Finally, just ensure the regular maintenance of the air ducts to prevent leakage in the future.


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